Aarhus University Seal

English Writing Centre

English Writing Centre

Welcome to the English Writing Centre!

The English Writing Centre offers free academic writing support in the form of counselling, workshops, and freewriting sessions. The Centre is open to all students and faculty at the Department of English at Aarhus University.

We offer feedback and support at any point in your writing process. You can come to us for help with brainstorming, researching, drafting, revising, grammar or referencing. We will try to guide you through your writing processes and help you develop your skills as a writer. Please note that we do not offer proofreading services.

You are always welcome to book an appointment, drop in for counselling during our opening hours or participate in one of our arrangements.

Our office is located in 1481-356.  


If you cannot meet us during the drop-in office hours, feel free to book a consultation session by sending an email to: instructor.englishwritingcentre@cc.au.dk

Office hours for the spring semester 2025: 

Tuesdays: IVK Student
Even weeks: 12-14 (9-11 in Week 10) 
Odd weeks: 10-12

Wednesdays: SLK Student
12 - 14 - On Week 9, SLK office hours will be held on Thursday, 27.2 12-14. NOT on Wednesday, 26.2.


When you book a consultation with us, please include the following information to make it easier for us to assist you: 

  • Name 
  • Student number
  • Degree programme you attend (English SLK, IVK, or Intercultural Studies) 
  • What class/topic we can help you with

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Book a writing consultation

If you are interested in feedback and support at any point in your writing process, you can book an individual writing appointment with one of our instructors!

We can help with:

  • brainstorming
  • researching
  • drafting
  • revising
  • grammar
  • referencing
  • And much more!

If possible, please let us know beforehand what we can help you with or, alternatively, what kind of assignment you need help with.

Contact us at instructor.englishwritingcentre@cc.au.dk and we will get back to you as soon as possible!