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William Marx. Professor of Comparative Literature at Paris Nanterre University, and a Honorary Fellow of the Institut universitaire de France and the…
Anette Vandsø. Postdoc Fellow in Aesthetics and Culture, School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University. In her current research project she…
Nicholas Mirzoeff. Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. He is one of the founders of the academic discipline of…
Johannes Poulsen. PhD Fellow in Comparative Literature at Aarhus University
By Robert A. Rushing
for ansøgere til stipendier med tilknytning til ph.d.-programmet Kunst, Litteratur og Kulturstudier
test testTEXt
Gæsteforelæsning ved professor Gary Peters, York St John University, GB
Kl. 11.15-11.30: Introduktion v. Mathias Bonde Korsgaard & Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen …
Predictive Coding of Musical Expertise
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