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CSV Import to Excel

By importing CSV files to Excel it will be easier for you to clear, sort, reorganise, or even analyse a dataset.

If or when doing this it is advised to remember: Always keep a backup of your original data file.

In order to import a CSV file into Excel follow these steps.

1) Create an Excel Spreadsheet with an appropriate name.

2) In the empty spreadsheet go to the data tab, and select “From Text”.

3) In the path finder window browsing for the file to import, point out the CSV file you want to import.

4) The Text Import Wizard now opens. “Delimited” (by commas, etc.) should be marked by default. If not, then mark it.

5) Tick the line saying “My data has headers.”

6) In “File Origin” (which will likely state “Windows: ANSI”), scroll down and select “65001: Unicode (UTF-8). This is to avoid unnecessary character mismatches in the import, as discussed in the last chapter, “Character Endocing Conflicts”.

7) Press “Next” which will take you to “Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 3”.

8) Deselect the tick-off in “Tab” and tick off “Comma” instead. (Note what happens in the scrollable preview window if in doubt).

9) Press “Next” to go to the last Import Wizard window. The default settings here (“General”) should work, so press “Finish” and the import starts. (With large datasets Excel will have to work a while. A progress bar will be visible at the bottom).

10) Save the resulting Excel spreadsheet.

Please notice: If you encounter problems related to the content not being placed in the right columns when opening the CSV file in Excel, try to open it in Google sheets. Usually this creates a correct file which can then be exported as an Excel file and opened in Excel.

CDMM Tutorial video: Data Treatment in Excel