Aarhus University Seal

Adorno Medieteknik

Our team

Sidse Prehn Thomsen

First as a student assistant under former Adorno media technician Allan Nielsen, and subsequently as a permanent employed media technician, Sidse has been  developing her technical expertise since 2012. With a background in Dramaturgy from Aarhus University, her focus lies in assisting students in finding the balance  between technical aptitude and compelling storytelling. Drawing from the experience she has gained by observing students' group work, Sidse assists future groups in being prepared for production-based teamwork and the conflicts that may arise during that process.

As an educator, you are always welcome to reach out to Sidse if you have specific requests or needs that require a more tailored approach.

Contact Information:
Email: spt@cc.au.dk
Phone: +4524293238

Our services

Related to courses:

  • General introduction to camera and editing (for beginners) - Equipment included 
  • Tailored introduction to camera and editing (for advanced users) - Equipment included
  • Podcast recording - Equipment and studio available for borrowing
  • "Assembling the Team": Introduction to production-based teamwork - Half-day workshop
  • Feedback related to productions (preproduction, production, post-production)
  • Equipment borrowing and reservation of editing rooms or TV studio for classes and groups

Not related to courses:

  • 1-on-1 technical introduction
  • Assistance with film recording and video editing - Subject to availability when not booked for on-going courses
  • Short-term storage and transfer of large files
  • Equipment borrowing for individual use - Max. duration of 2 weeks, and subject to equipment availability.


Office Opening Hours

Opening hours Spring Semester 2025:

Tuesday - Thursday 09:30 - 16:30
Friday 09:30 - 15:30

During busy periods or if we’re doing tasks offcampus, the office will remain closed.

For retrieving or returning equipment, please contact us in advance via:
