Aarhus Universitets segl

Research Workshop

Help! We need some guidelines to the open access jungle!

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Torsdag 15. marts 2018,  kl. 13:00 - 16:30


5335-229 - Lunchroom, Nygaard-building, Finlandsgade 21

This workshop is about Open Access (OA) and new digital platforms such as KUDOS, PeerUs, Academia, ResearchGate etc. If you want to share your uncertainty and experiences on how to publish Open Access, then this event is for you!

Trine Syvertsen, professor at Oslo University and visiting professor at AU this Spring will join us and share her OA experiences and ideas. We will also invite relevant employees from respectively AU Library and AU University Press to brief us on their strategies.

Some of the questions we will discuss are:
- What sorts for Open Access and online platforms exist?
- How can I - and my research group - develop an Open Access strategy?
- What are the pros and cons about the different platforms and Open Access types?
- What should I be aware of in this context when signing a publishing agreement?
- How can I get funding for OA publishing?
- How should I register my OA publications in PURE?

13.30-14.30: Input by Trine Syvertsen, AU Library and AU University Press
14.30-16.00: Exchange of experiences, strategies, questions and uncertainties
16.00-16.30: Bubbles and caviar. We celebrate the har publication work of all of us! 'Cause we deserve it!

Register: Send Pia Majbritt Jensen an email: pmj@cc.au.dk before 10 March.


Hosts & Organisers: The research programmes Media, Communication and Society (Pia Majbritt Jensen), and Cutlural Transformations (Anne Marit Waade)