Aarhus Universitets segl

PhD Defence: Magda Tyżlik-Carver

CURATING IN/AS COMMON/S posthuman curating and computational cultures

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 18. maj 2016,  kl. 13:00 - 16:30


Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture, Kasernen, Langelandsgade 145, building 1584, room 124, Aarhus C



Wednesday 18 May 2016 at 1:00 pm, Magda Tyżlik-Carver, MA

will be defending her dissertation


Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture, Kasernen, Langelandsgade 145, building 1584, room 124, Aarhus C

Assessment committee:

· Associate Professor Christian Ulrik Andersen, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies & Center for Participatory IT, Aarhus University (head of committee)

· Associate Professor Olga Goriunova, Royal Holloway, Department of Media Arts, University of London, UK.

· PhD Lars Bang Larsen, co-curator, Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil (opposition via Skype)

Main supervisor:

· Associate Professor Geoff Cox, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies & Center for Participatory IT, Aarhus University.


·  Dr. Joasia Krysa, Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University & Liverpool Biennial, UK.

· Professor Jacob Wamberg, Art History, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University.

The dissertation is available for reading at this address:

Dorte Midtiby’s office, School of Communication and Culture, Helsingforsgade14, building 5348, room 118, Aarhus N.

The defence is public, and everyone is welcome. It will be conducted in English.

After the defence, School of Communication and Culture will host a reception.
