Aarhus Universitets segl


Arranged by Uses of the Past, to to investigate methodological questions and challenges.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 31. maj 2018,  kl. 10:00 - 16:00


Nobelparken, building 1483, room 251


Uses of the Past.

Date: Thursday May 31 2018 Time: 10:00-16:00 

Location: Nobelparken building 1483-251


10:00 Welcome

10:15 Examining everyday practices of memory and history: Online commemoration and remediated memories, Anne Heimo, Adjunct professor at History, Culture and Arts Studies University of Turku

11:15 Break

11:30 Administrations of Memory: towards a transnational and digital research agenda in peace building processes, Sara Dybris McQuaid, Associate professor at English Aarhus University

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Sharing Emotions and Co-creating Agonism by means of Aesthetic Experience: UNREST’s Audience Analysis in Contemporary Spain, Diana González Martin, Assistant professor at Spanish Aarhus University

13:30 Methodological approaches to studying literature, colonialism and slavery, Mads Anders Baggesgaard, Associate professor at Comparative Literature Aarhus University

14:00 Remember 1916 in 2016: methodological approaches to understanding the role of gender in commemorating the Easter Rising, Laura McAtackney, Associate professor at Archeology and Heritage Studies Aarhus University

14:30 Break

14:45 Sound Control and Memory in China: Musical Recordings and the Case of Shanghai’s Sonic Heritage, Andreas Steen, Associate professor at China Studies Aarhus University

15:15 Remembering pasts in the Eurovision Song Contest: methods to studying popular culture, Lisanne Wilken, Associate Professor at European Studies Aarhus University

15:45 Farewell remarks

The seminar is free of charge and includes coffee, tea and lunch. For practical reasons, you need to register no later than May 27 2018 at auws.au.dk/usesofthepast If you have any questions regarding the seminar please contact coordinator of Uses of the Past: Anne Brædder anne.braedder@cas.au.dk