Aarhus Universitets segl

CMIP-workshop: Changing Media Production – Changing Management

The workshop features professor in media economics and management at Tallinn University Ulrike Rohn as the key note speaker.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 9. marts 2020,  kl. 13:00 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Brandorff Lounge Bldg. 5347-120, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus

Centre for Media Industries and Production (CMIP) is pleased to invite you to a workshop taking place on the 9th of March from 1 to 5 pm in the Brandorff Lounge, Wiener-building 1st floor, room 120, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N.

The media industries are presently changing their production frameworks and organisational structures at a very high speed because of digital production technologies, new distribution infrastructures and changing user patterns and habits. In order to fulfil their important social and political role in society the different companies and/or institutions that make up the media industries are trying to adapt, and in doing so they are confronted with new organisational and managerial challenges. The workshop will address such issues from the perspective of different media industries and professional production cultures and the purpose is twofold. First, the intention is to dive into the ongoing research by the CMIP participants with a focus on media industries and production and media management projects. Second, the purpose is to discuss the possible overlaps and common theoretical and methodological issues across the two approaches in media studies that might be fruitful for future developments of both approaches.

The workshop features professor in media economics and management at Tallinn University Ulrike Rohn as the key note speaker. As PI, Professor Rohn will present a Horizon 2020- network project proposal that has been developed in cooperation with CMIP participants. The network project is currently under evaluation for the Twinning-programme. Furthermore, professor Rohn will present her current research project within media management research.

The workshop is followed by a dinner and everyone is welcome to join in (at your own expense).

On Tuesday 10. March 1-2.30 pm professor Rohn will give an open talk on the topic of Media management Studieswhat is it and why is it important to media studies at the Media system analysis course, BA in media studies. Lille Audi, Incuba.

Please, write an email to professor Hanne Bruun hbruun@cc.au.dk no later than 1st of March if you would like to attend the workshopth of March from 1 to 5 pm in the Brandorff Lounge, Wiener-building 2. floor, room 120, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N.


Ulrike Rohn is a professor of Media Economics and Management at the Baltic, Film, Media, Arts and Communication School (BFM). She is also President of the European Media Management Association (emma) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Media Business Studies (Taylor & Francis). Previously, Ulrike was a Researcher at the Arcada University in Helsinki (Finland) and the University of Tartu (Estonia). She has been a guest researcher and lecturer at universities in the UK, Sweden, China, and Austria. She has worked in leading media companies in Germany, Japan, India, and the US.

Ulrike received her PhD in 2009 from the University of Jena. Her MA comes from the Freie University of Berlin (both Germany). Her research and teaching include topics on international media strategies, cross-cultural audience demand, media branding, media business models, social media and the sharing economy.