Book Release Invitation: Food and Media
On Friday 23 September we invite you to a seminar and a subsequent reception to celebrate the publication of the book "Food and Media, Distinctions, Practices and Heterotopias", Routledge 2016
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Nygaard-building (5335), 2nd floor, lunchroom (229), Helsingforsgade 12, 8200 Aarhus N
The first scientific anthology on the many combinations of food and media practices.
Edited by Jonatan Leer and Karen Klitgaard Povlsen.
Time: Friday September 23rd. 2016 from 2 pm to 4.30 pm
Location: Nygaard 2nd floor: lunch room, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 Aarhus N.
2 pm – 3 pm: Seminar with presentation of the book and three chapters
- Postdoc Jonatan Leer AU (Danish School of Education) presents the anthology Food and Media
- Associate Professor AAU (Department of Communication and Psychology) Stinne Gunder Strøm Krogager: Children Cooking Media Food: Exploring Media (Food) Literacy through Experimental Methods
- Associate Professor AU (School of Communication and Culture) Susanne Eichner: Food across Media: Popular Food Contents among Children in Germany
- Associate Professor AU (School of Communication and Culture) Karen Klitgaard Povlsen: I (never) just Google: Food and Media Practices
3 pm – 4.30 pm: Smalltalk, wine and snacks
The seminar will be in Danish and English