International seminar on Artificial Intelligence, the HUMAN, and Sound organized by Aarhus University and The Royal Academy of Music
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Musikhuset, Aarhus

Register: Registration: kr. 100 / 60 (students). Including fee + full access to concert.
The seminar AI, HUMANS, SOUND concentrates on challenges and potentials in the shared field of Artificial Intelligence, the Human, and Sound. In the current development within automation and high-tech robotics Artificial Intelligence is playing a crucial role. This also involves both industry and research sectors that are occupied with music, listening, and sound. During the seminar a number of researchers and professionals will present their work on subjects and products such as: Improvising musical robots, new understandings of the human in the age of AI, listening algorithms, social robots, and audio hardware design. The speakers will introduce and discuss how human skills and capacities can be regarded in the light of contemporary advancements in the domain of machine learning and AI. What is hype and futuristic ideals and what has already become part of the daily work of professionals within, for instance, music mastering, voice recognition, and human-like robot interaction?
Seminar participants will also have access to the exclusive concert WE/ROBOTS with the robot Shimon and Aarhus Jazz Orchestra. Shimon has been developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology and is considered one of the world’s most advanced musical robots, known for its intuition and creativity. Read more about Shimon and the concert here:
During the break between the seminar and concert a fernissage will take place, presenting new works by students from the Royal Academy of Music focusing on music and AI.
The seminar is supported by Aarhus University and the research program Human Futures
10.30-11.30. Session 1
Welcome: Thomas Bjørnsten (Assistant Professor, Aarhus University)
Introducing WE/ROBOTS: Signe Bisgaard (Composer) & Morten Riis (Associate Professor, DJK)
Prof. Gil Weinberg (Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Georgia Institute of Technology): “Working with Shimon”
11.40-12.40. Session 2
Prof. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (Aarhus University): “Human Futures. AI and the Humanities”.
Søren Tranbjerg Hansen (Aalborg University, Alexandra Institute): “Robotics and AI research”
12.40-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-14.30. Session 3.
Daniel Rothman (Machine learning engineer, KANDA): “How machines can crack the perceptual codes of sound”.
Jakob Erland (Sound hardware designer, Gyraf Audio): “Mastering, listening, modelling”.
14.30-14.50 Coffee break
15.00 Fernisage
Works by students from the Royal Academy of Music.
Jan Løhmann Stephensen (Associate Professor, Aarhus University): “Post-creativity and AI”
17.00. Concert: WE/ROBOTS (included in seminar fee)
For further information contact
Thomas Bjørnsten:
phone:+45 6130 8582