Aarhus Universitets segl

Trine Mogensen



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Trine Mogensen




I have a MD degree (2002), a PhD degree (2003) and a DMSc degree (2009) from Aarhus University and studied at AU and Universite Descartes, Paris did a year as research fellow at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland Ohio, and obtained a degree in Tropical medicine at the London School of  Hygiene and Tropical medicine.

Professor in Infection Immunology at the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University and senior consultant in Infectious diseases at the Department of Infectious diseases at Aarhus University hospital.

Currently the chair of the Inflammation Network at AU Faculty of Health, coordinator of the Horizon Europe consortium, UNDINE, leader of the Innovation Fund project PASCAL-MID, member of the steering committee of the COVID Human Genetic Effort (CHGE), coordinator of the Horizon Europe consortium, UNDINE, and Co-PI of the Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence, CiViA.


Through a translational approach combining whole exome sequencing of patient samples with functional studies in molecular immunology and virology, my group aims at delineating the pathogenesis, human genetics and immunology of infectious diseases, including HSV and VZV infections in the central nervous system, severe influenza, and various SARS-CoV-2 disease manifestations, such as critical COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adults (MIS-C/A).


I am leader of the PhD course Host pathogens interactions - from basic microbiology and immunology to medicine

I participated in developing the subject specific PhD programme in Inflammation at AU Health


See https://biomed.au.dk/human-immunology-of-infectious-diseases/


I am member of the advisory boards for “Infection Mediterranne”, Marseille and “Twincore”, Hannover Medical school Hannover


As a clinical scientist and medical doctor, the focus of my research is on the genetic and immunological basis of inborn errors of immunity and severe infectious diseases in humans, most notably viral infections in the central nervous system.

The aim of my research is to understand basic mechanisms in innate immunology relevant to infectious diseases and immunodeficiencies in humans.

The ultimate goal is to uncover novel antiviral immune mechanisms and the pathophysiology underlying disease processes to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of viral infections and immune-related pathologies in patients.

In my clinical work I evaluate, diagnose,  and treat patients with primary immunodeficiencies.

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