Interdisciplinary research workshop: Evolution, Aesthetics, Media
What does evolution have to do with the study of literature, film, aesthetics, gossip, and religion? Join us for this one-day workshop to find out!
Info about event

Interdisciplinary research workshop on April 18, 2017.
This workshop explores the human animal from an evolutionary perspective: who are we, where do we come from, and how can an understanding of our evolutionary past contribute to an understanding of our cultural and aesthetic present? The workshop will run the entire day, but participants are welcome to attend only individual talks. This workshop explores the human animal from an evolutionary perspective: who are we, where do we come from, and how can an understanding of our evolutionary past contribute to an understanding of our cultural and aesthetic present? The workshop will run the entire day, but participants are welcome to attend only individual talks.
Venue: Building 1481 (Nobel Park), room 341.
Organized with funding from the Center for Biocultural History, AU, the Research Program in Literary Studies, the Research Program in Media, Communication, and Society, and the PhD Program in Art, Literature, and Cultural Studies, AU.
Everyone is welcome.
For further information, please contact Mathias Clasen or Jens Kjeldgaard-Christiansen.