Aarhus University Seal

Past Events

Brown Bag Seminar w/ Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen

9 Dec
Monday 9 December 2019, at 12:00

Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen will come present her work on the speculative figure of 'the Shy Digital Subject'

Book presentation w/ Mikkel Flyverbom

2 Dec
Monday 2 December 2019, at 14:30

Professor Mikkel Flyverbom will present his new book "The Digital Prism - Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World" (2019) published by Cambridge University Press.

Exploring Interconnectedness Conference

28 Nov
3 days, Thursday 28 November 2019, at 11:30 - 30 November

November 28-30th 2019, University of Aarhus