Seminar with Paul Cheney
University of Chicago: Saint-Domingue/Haiti: Plantation life, Abolitionism, Revolution. In 1791, a violent slave rebellion broke out in what was France’s most lucrative colony, Saint-Domingue.
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Throughout the 1790s, fighting continued until the revolutionaries managed to kick out the French and found an independent nation by the name of Haiti in 1804. To this day, Haiti is the only example of a slave revolution ending with the establishment of an independent state. This seminar is occasioned by historian Paul Cheney’s forthcoming book Cul de Sac: Economy and Society in Eighteenth-Century Saint Domingue (2016). In addition to a talk by Cheney, literary historian Jonas Ross Kjærgård will present his work on late eighteenth century French abolitionism and intellectual historian Nicolai von Eggers will speak about the process of assembling a source collection of texts from the Haitian revolution.