Aarhus University Seal

Round Table Research Discussion: Body-based knowledge and methods in design and arts practice/research

Organized by Cultural Transformations, Aarhus University. Please sign up for Registration.

Info about event


Tuesday 18 June 2024,  at 15:00 - 17:00


Kasernen, Building 1585, Store Sal.

Round Table Research Discussion: Body-based knowledge and methods in design and arts practice/research

Guest panellists:

  • Dr Andrea Hernandez, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University
  • Dr Shelley Smith, Independent Urban Design researcher
  • Dr Neelakantan Keshavan, Department for Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, and Visiting Fellow, AIAS
  • Dr Carolina Vasilikou, Manchester School of Architecture

Working with four interlinked spatial concepts - site, situation, place, and event - we will be asking: How do we move in encountering sites? How can we investigate situations and events through movement? How do we move with(in) designed spaces, and how do we design for movement? How does movement knowledge influence place-making practices? How do design practices invite or afford movement? - This round-table will open a conversation about possibilities for transdisciplinary exchange between design and arts practice/research, with a focus on body-based knowledge and methods.

Tuesday 18 June, 15.00-17.00
Kasernen, Building 1585, Store Sal