Recomposing Data-Nature-Cultures
A guest talk by Dr Jonathan Gray (King’s College, London) on environmental data.
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Welcome to this guest talk by Dr Jonathan Gray who is the Director of the Centre for Digital Culture at King’s College, London. He is currently finishing a book on critical data practices. The talk is hosted by the Centre for Critical Data Practices as well as the Environmental Media and Aesthetics research program at Aarhus University.
Talk abstract:
How do ecologies become knowable through data? What kinds of practices, relations and cultures do environmental datasets enable? This talk takes a look at how nature-culture relations are re-articulated with data, from environmental data histories, to data practices of artists and activists, to machine learning datasets and more-than-human landscaping. Beyond corporate carbon laundering and neocolonial terraformation, it considers the prospects of critical and creative engagements with environmental data to support other kinds of socio-ecological relations and futures.
Jonathan W. Y. Gray (@jwyg) is Director of the Centre for Digital Culture and Reader in Critical Infrastructure Studies at the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. He is also cofounder of the Public Data Lab and Research Associate at the Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam) and the médialab (Sciences Po, Paris). His research seeks to critically and creatively engage with the roles of digital data, methods and infrastructures in society. More can be found at