Aarhus University Seal

Processing Community Day @ Aarhus

Openness in Software Culture

Info about event


Saturday 22 February 2020,  at 10:00 - 16:00

You are all invited to join the PCD @ Aarhus event, and we will have 5 presenters + 2 free workshops for beginners (live coding w/ Sonic Pi) and intermediate coders (Machine Learning w/ p5.js). This public event involves our students at all level (BA, MA, PhD), staff members (such as Nikolaj Mikkelsen and Magda Tyżlik-Carver), as well as artists and designers who are working in the industry and in various cultural institutions.


Processing Community Day (PCD) is a worldwide event initiated by The Processing Foundation, involving more than 30 international cities to organize a day event with their local communities to celebrating and exploring art, code, and diversity.

Following last year PCD @ Aarhus with the theme to exploring code and coding practice beyond functional applications development, this year we want to keep exposing the diverse mode of working and thinking with/through software. In particular, PCD @ Aarhus 2020 will address the notion of openness and sharing in software ecology, referring broadly to the open/free paradigm for social participation and engagement to create a sustainable community.

Pointing to the ambition of creating an open and sustainable community in Aarhus, our inspiration draws from the free/open-source software movement with which to promote the idea of having the freedom and rights to use, study, create, modify and share software regardless of age, gender, race and class.

Following this line of thinking, this year we have chosen to contribute to the public community by putting together workshops and talks from diverse practitioners whose share different ways of working with and thinking through software artistically and culturally, opening up our understanding of, and approach to, the software beyond the realms of science and engineering.

More info: https://www.pcdaarhus.net/


Register the Live Coding with Sonic Pi, conducted by Frederik la Cour & Rolf Holm: https://www.facebook.com/events/136801260672618/


Register the Machine Learning with p5.js, conducted by Lasse Korsgaard and Niels Konrad: https://www.facebook.com/events/465034551046715/


The event is organized and curated by Code & Share [ ], supported by Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University, DD Lab, Aarhus University, DOKK1, Aarhus Public Library, !=null