PhD Defence Ellen Egemose
More Than Walls: Walls of Ambiguity and the Crisis of the Figure in Late 19th Century Scandinavian Interior Painting
Info about event
Kasernen, bygning 1584, indgang B, lokale 224

MA Ellen Marie Klæsøe Kølle Egemose will be defending the dissertation
More Than Walls: Walls of Ambiguity and the Crisis of the Figure in Late 19th Century Scandinavian Interior Painting
- Date: 14 October 2022, 13:00 (CEST)
- Venue: Building 1584, Door B, Room 224 (floor 1). Langelandsgade 145, 8000 Aarhus C
The defence is scheduled for three hours and is open to the public. All are welcome.
Assessment Committee
- Professor Lis Møller, Comparative Literature, Aarhus University (chair)
- Professor Susan Sidlauskas, Department of Art History, Rutgers - School of Art and Sciences
- Director Mikkel Bogh, National Gallery of Denmark
- Professor Jacob Wamberg, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
- Professor Øystein Sjåstad, History of Art, University of Oslo
The dissertation will be available for reading in a digital version before the defence following a statement from the borrower promising to delete the file afterwards. If you wish to read the dissertation please contact Ellen Egemose: