Lecture: Prof. John Eade (University of Roehampton)
Info about event

November 28, 16.00- 17.30. Building 1483, room 354
John Eade is a professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Roehampton and is the former director of CRONEM (Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism). He has published exten- sively on urban space, globalisation and identity politics. His talk is part of the course ‘Intercultural interactions in times of globalisation’ in the MA programme for Intercultural Studies.
The talk is free and open to the public.
Globalisation has been used as a term to describe the increasing vol- ume and rapidity of the flows of peo- ple, capital, goods, information and images around the world, while the concept of ‘global cities’ has also been developed to refer to the part which particular urban centres play in the globalisation process. In this talk I will first outline the focus on how London has emerged as a global city after the Second World War and the social and cultural transformations associated with the rapid expansion of the service sector, immigration and cultural diversity. I will conclude with some reflections on the possible impact of Brexit on London’s role as a global city.