Aarhus University Seal

How to Build Strong Networks & Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations

Drawing ideas from others’ successful experiences. Event by the AU Junior Researcher Association.

Info about event


Friday 10 June 2022,  at 12:00 - 15:00


Apollonia Auditorium (Building 1612, Room 018E, Tandlægeskolen)

by Veronika Juhasz

The AU Junior Researcher Association invites you to learn about the secret to successful interdisciplinary research collaborations: a strong network. But how does one build a network that can later be used for shared research projects and interdisciplinary collaborations? Hear from AU professors who are highly experienced in interdisciplinary research projects, and learn network building tips to support your future research collaborations and networks.


12:00-12.30: JR Lunch (sandwich/salads with other JRs)

12:30-12:40: Welcome by the Junior Researcher Association

12:40-13:10: Talk by Tobias Wang, professor in Zoophysiology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, AU. Tobias is a popular lecturer and has a long career doing interdisciplinary research studying adaptations in animals. He will present on the importance, opportunities, and lessons learned on interdisciplinary research for junior researchers.

13:20-13:50: Talk by Christian Aalkjær, professor in physiology at Health, AU. Christian Aalkjær is a founding member of the interdisciplinary cardiovascular network at AU and is managing director of the Danish Cardiovascular Academy, a national initiative to stimulate interdisciplinary research on cardiovascular diseases. Christian will talk about how he sees the future of research and how to get involved in interdisciplinary research.

14:00-15:00: Building networks - talk by Vibeke Broe. Vibeke is a career consultant at Aarhus University, and she will talk about how to utilize interdisciplinary research as part of your career planning. Moreover, Vibeke will provide advice on how to expand your network and improve your networking skills.


  • Apollonia Auditorium (Building 1612, Room 018E), Tandlægeskolen

  • Address: Vennelyst Boulevard 9, 8000 Aarhus C

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