Friday lecture: Isabella Rega
Intercultural Communication: A Key Competence in an Interconnected World
Info about event

Intercultural Communication is defined by OECD as ‘the capacity to analyse global and intercultural issues critically and from multiple perspectives, to understand how differences affect perceptions, judgements, and ideas of self and others, and to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with others from different backgrounds on the basis of a shared respect for human dignity’. Intercultural Communication is a key competence in a world in which phenomena such as globalisation and migration are increasing in scale and complexity, bringing people together across geographic spaces.
Despite any uncertainty we might feel, there will continue to be diverse opportunities for intercultural interaction and exchange and it will remain ‘the choice of individuals whether to engage in dialogue and interaction with other individuals or communities in any aspect of their everyday life’ - whether face-to-face or online (UNESCO). In this lecture, Dr. Isabella Rega will explore the role of communication in shaping cultures and will reflect on the concept of identity and its polarisation within our society, which can lead to prejudice, intolerance, and discrimination.
About Dr. Isabella Rega: Dr. Isabella Rega holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and an Executive Master degree in Intercultural Communication from the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI). She is currently Senior Lecturer in Digital Literacies and Education at CEMP ¬ Centre of Excellence in Media Practice and member of the Civic Media Hub at Bournemouth University. Before moving to UK, Dr. Isabella was the executive director of the NewMinE Lab at USI and of the CROSS-FIELD Pro*Doc and has been involved as project manager in several ICT4D projects, focusing on eLearning and access issues, in South Africa, Brazil and Mozambique. She has also worked in telecentres, as researcher and instructor, in Jamaica, Burkina Faso, Benin, Guinea and South Africa.
Registration: If you wish to attend the lecture, please send an e-mail to Poul Erik Nielsen ( or Teke Ngomba (