Aarhus University Seal

Friday lecture: Alessandra Meleiro

Transnational film industry and marketing

Info about event


Friday 30 September 2016,  at 13:00 - 15:00

Focusing on transforming Brazil into a major production centre of audiovisual content, a public policy has been established to anchor the development of the film and audiovisual industries through a greater integration of film and national content for export via co-productions and participation in major international festivals, among other actions.


Nonetheless, there is a keen awareness in Brazil, both at the level of the State and within the culture industry itself, of the extent to which the nation has been a victim of negative stereotyping. Thus, we would do well to remember, when discussing soft power, cultural diplomacy and branding, that the issues and tensions facing emerging nations in relation to their image abroad and the motivating factors for wanting to promote, challenge, or increase the presence of that image abroad, will not be the same as the issues facing, say, the UK or Denmark.


Short Presentation

Alessandra Meleiro is Associate Professor of Image and Sound at Universidade Federal de São Carlos, in Brazil (Department of Arts and Communication). Holds a Postdoc at the Media and Film Studies Programme (University of London/School of Oriental and African Studies). Author of “The New Iranian Cinema: art and social intervention” (Escrituras, 2006), Editor of the book series “World Cinema: Industry, Politics and Market” - five books on Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and United States (Escrituras, 2007) - and “Brazilian Film Industry” - until now, six books on Cinema and Market, Cinema and Political Economy, Cinema and Politics of State (Escrituras, 2009). Scientific Coordinator of the “Center for Analysis of Cinema and Audiovisual” alongside with Cebrap (Brazilian Center for Planning and Analysis). President of FORCINE (Cinema and Audiovisual Education Brazilian Forum), President of Cultural Initiative Institute, established in 2007 with the aim of fostering the development of creative industries in Brazil, focused it primary efforts on the audiovisual field of the creative industry. Her interest includes political economy of cinema/audiovisual, cultural policy, economy of culture, creative economy.