Aarhus University Seal

Gry Lind Merrild Hansen


PhD Student

Primary affiliation

Gry Lind Merrild Hansen

Contact information

Email address


In my PhD project I focus on contemporary art from Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), which adresses Danish colonialism to a Danish audience. I am interested in the decolonial potential of these artworks and exhibitions.


I am a part of the research programme Cultural Transformations as well as the Research unit Entangled Colonialities Collective (ECC) and UPAST, memory and heritage research center.

Part of my research and/or knowledgeproduction stems from my work as part of the steering group of rum46, a small, non-profit exhibitionspace in Aarhus. My work here is multifaceted. Some of the specific roles I enter are; member of the steering group, curator, treasurer, project-leader and fundraiser. I also ude the space I engage in conversations with artists, activists and cultural actors.

I am the chair person of the art journal Passepartout, where I collaborate with researchers and artists, prepare theme issues (for example an issue on "SKIN") and write reviews.

I have held public events including at Det Grønlandske Hus Aarhus. Events such as artist talks with kalaallit artists, letter writing workshops and presentations about art from and about Kalaallit Nunaat. 

I am always open for a chat - on collaborations, on research, on pursuing a PhD. Please do not hesitate to reach out at grylindmerrild@cc.au.dk