Aarhus University Seal

Helene Helboe Pedersen



Primary affiliation

Helene Helboe Pedersen CV

Areas of expertise

  • Political representation
  • Politicians
  • Political parties
  • Parliaments
  • Interest organisations

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My reseacrh focuses on political representation in Western democracies. I investigate how political parties, interest groups, parliaments, and individual politicians contribute to representing voter interests. I am cocerned with how political representationen is enacted by elite actors as well as how representation is perceived by voters.

Teaching activities

I teach and supervise bachelor, master, and PhD students in Political Science. I try to make my teaching relevant, engaging and employable. My teaching is informed by the newest research on my field. For instance, I teach Political institutions (BA), The role of political parties in Democracy (BA), Politicians behaviour (MA), and Voters' perception of political actors and institutions (PhD)

Selected publications

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