PHD Defence: Julie Hastrup-Markussen
The Age of Inheritance: Representations of Inheritance in English Literature from 1837 to 1914.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Kasernen, Building 1585, Lille Sal.

MA Julie Hastrup-Markussen will be defending the dissertation
The Age of Inheritance: Representations of Inheritance in English Literature from 1837 to 1914
Date: 12 September 2022 at 13:00 CEST
Venue: Lille Sal, Kasernen, Langelandsgade 139, Building 1585, 8000 Aarhus C
The defence is scheduled for three hours and is open to the public. All are welcome.
Assessment Committee
- Associate Professor Elizabeth F. Evans, Wayne State University
- Professor Stefan Willer, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Professor Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Aarhus University (chairperson)
- Associate Professor Jakob Ladegaard, Aarhus University
- Associate professor Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo, Aarhus University
The dissertation will be available for reading in a digital version before the defence following a statement from the borrower promising to delete the file afterwards. If you wish to read the dissertation please contact Julie Hastrup-Markussen