PhD Defence: Anders Eskildsen, MA will be defending his dissertation
Interagency in Improvised Music. A Systems Theory-based Analytical Strategy
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Aarhus University, Kasernen, building 1584, room 124, Langelandsgade 139, Aarhus C
Assessment committee:
- Associate Professor Janek Szatskowski Dramaturgy, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University (head of committee)
- Associate Professor Jason Stanyek Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, UK
- Professor Ellen Waterman School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Main supervisor:
- Associate Professor Steen Kaargaard Nielsen Musicology, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
- Professor David Borgo Department of Music, University of California San Diego, USA
- Associate Professor Ida Krøgholt Dramaturgy, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
The dissertation is available for reading at this address: Anne Overballe’s office, Aarhus University building 1580, room 335, Langelandsgade 139, Aarhus C
The defence is public, and we welcome everybody. It will be conducted in English.
After the defence, School of Communication and Culture will host a reception.