Kristoffer Gansing: Techno-Aesthetics and the Infrastructural
Aesthetic seminar
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Kasernen. Building 1584, Room 124
This presentation re-visits the phenomenon known as Post-Internet art, in order to trace the evolution of an aesthetic of infrastructure that has, for at least the past 15 years made itself present in contemporary art and artistic research engaging with digital and post-digital life. Computational infrastructure has in itself become a Post-Internet style that incorporates both images of as well as work about/with data centers, cables and server-racks, bitcoin mining farms as well as trashed hardware such as e-waste. Beyond the representational level, Gansing is interested in the transformative capacities of artistic research into infrastructure, following Simondon’s idea of techno-aesthetics in which “the technicized landscape also takes on the meaning of a work of art” (Simondon, 2012). In this presentation, Gansing will outline the work of artists who engage with infrastructure in ways that takes us beyond the representational obsession of the Post-Internet moment, and for whom even image production is often only a component in a larger critical and/or speculative inquiry into infrastructures of extraction, digital as well as physical.
Aesthetic seminar is organized by Morten Kyndrup and Jacob Lund
on behalf of School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
All are welcome