Critical Environmental Data research group involved in the Helsinki Biennial

Helsinki Biennial has just opened its second edition. Curated by Joasia Krysa – who was also an earlier director of the Aarhus Kunsthal – “New Directions May Emerge” borrows its title from the anthropologist Anna Tsing.
The School of Communciation and Culture is also represented as the research group Design and Aesthetics for Environmental Data led by Jussi Parikka was invited as part of the curatorial team. With May Ee Wong and Paolo Patelli the team was involved in several curatorial activities, including the Environmental Audiotour which has just been launched and is also available online.
In addition, the group worked with colleagues at the University of Arts Helsinki on an artistic research studio over the past academic year, culiminating in the release of a new open access book “Environment, Data, Contamination” as well as an exhibition in Helsinki.
Helsinki Biennial takes place at several locations in the city, including the Vallisaari island. The Biennial runs until September 17, 2023.
The Environmental Audiotour is available at
Helsinki Biennial online: