Aarhus Universitets segl

EVENT CANCELLED: Alternative digital infrastructures

Digital Design/Software Studies programme invites all to join us for this talk with designers, artists and researchers involved in practice of alternative digital infrastructures currently being developed.

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Onsdag 11. marts 2020,  kl. 15:30 - 17:00


5510-104 - Small Auditorium, INCUBA, Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus N

Roel Roscam Abbing: Based on four prior collaborations, https://bibliotecha.info, https://varia.zone, https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com and https://lurk.org, this talk will focus on his artistic research practice into digital and social infrastructures. Each of the projects negotiates digital infrastructures differently to imagine and facilitate different ways of coming together. These projects have informed and continue to inform his current PhD research into alternative social media and the Fediverse.

Martino Morandi : Infrastructural Manœuvres aims at foregrounding the role and possibilities of the library infrastructure, and at rethinking the relation between the elements that constitute a library. The project materializes as a series of changes in the software and network systems, as well as a series of collective situations aimed at discussing these choices and their broader socio-technical context. Instead of being set up by technicians as a service, the new infrastructure comes from within the library and its network, allowing it to reflect the way it wants to work, the concerns it wants to share and the collaborations it seeks.



Roel Roscam Abbing is an artist and researcher whose work deals with the issues and cultures surrounding networked computation. He engages with themes such as network infrastructures, the politics of technology, and DIY approaches. Roscam Abbing is currently a doctoral candidate in Interaction Design at Malmö University where he is researching and alternative social media network called the Fediverse.

Martino Morandi is interested in opening up technical infrastructures as spaces of reflection and experimentation, questioning the normative binaries of technician-user, expert-unskilled, professional-amateur. One place where this approach is developed is the Rietveld and Sandberg Library in Amsterdam, where Martino is involved with the Infrastructural Manoœuvres project.