Aarhus University Seal

Iwona Janicka: The Archive and the Laboratory: Rancière, Latour and the Speechless

Aesthetic Seminar

Info about event


Thursday 3 December 2020,  at 14:15 - 17:00

Bruno Latour and Jacques Rancière seem like strange bedfellows. Given their different philosophical interests and political commitments, it is difficult to imagine how one can be a valuable interlocutor for the other. Yet, in this paper I wish to demonstrate that such an encounter can in fact be fruitful to both thinkers. Rancière offers an insightful way to redefine politics as aesthetics through a radical opening towards the sans-part (the unintelligible). Latour, in turn, renews politics by granting logos to nonhumans and reflecting on their political mode of existence. In this contribution, I will argue that by combining the two philosophers we are better equipped to rethink Left politics for the 21st century.

The seminar is public, and we welcome everybody.     

Join us on Zoom: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/68078703425