Danish university to host Europe’s largest media and communication conference
The widely respected European ECREA conference is coming to Denmark later this month. This is the first time the conference is being held in Scandinavia, and more than 1,300 participants are expected to attend. It’s Europe’s largest media and communication conference, and it’s being hosted by Aarhus University.

The theme in 2022 is “Rethink Impact”, and the conference is being arranged by the Department of Media and Journalism Studies at Aarhus University in collaboration with the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) and local partners. This is Europe’s largest media and communication conference. Aarhus University has been nominated to host the conference – a successful outcome following several years of hard work and determination.
“We suggested the ‘Rethink Impact’ theme to the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) when we applied to host this year’s conference. The term ‘impact’ relates to the ways in which research insights can be converted into tangible results for society, politics and business alike. The theme is also reminiscent of previous initiatives taken in Aarhus, as well as being in line with Aarhus University’s vision. It’s based on the university’s strategies and fruitful partnerships with business, the local region and civil society – as well as resonating with the experience gained in 2017 when Aarhus was a European Capital of Culture with the motto ‘Let’s Rethink’. It’s also reminiscent of the rethinkIMPACTS 2017 project involving Aarhus University, Aarhus Municipality and the Central Denmark Region,” explains Professor Anne Marit Waade, Head of the Department of Media and Journalism Studies at Aarhus University.
The rector of DMJX, Julie Sommerlund, has the following comment:
“Communication lies at the core of what we do at DMJX every day, and the ECREA conference will give us a fantastic opportunity to discuss issues of central importance with colleagues from all over the world. This year’s theme, ‘Rethink Impact’, also speaks to the heart of DMJX. Everything we do at DMJX is closely linked to the world of practice, business and organisations – including both our teaching and our research. We are acutely aware of the great responsibility that rests on the shoulders of institutions like ours whose job is to train the communicators of the future.”
Facts about ECREA
ECREA is a community of about 3,000 members involved in communication and media research. ECREA’s main goal is to provide a forum in which researchers can meet to present the latest research.
A local committee is responsible for organising Europe’s largest media and communication conference: Christoph Raetzsch (leader of the local organisational committee), deputy chair Anne Marit Waade (Head of the Department of Media and Journalism Studies), Henrik Bødker (Aarhus University) and Vibeke Thøis Madsen (Danish School of Media and Journalism).
The conference is to be held on 19-22 October 2022.
You will find more information about the conference here
Further information
Anne Marit Waade,
Head of the Department of Media Studies and Journalism
Aarhus University
Mail: amwaade@cc.au.dk
Mobile: 4023 1785