Aarhus University Seal


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Call for papers: ”Kultur, klasse og kontakter – kunsten og herregårdene 1830-1890”

15 Feb
Monday 15 February 2021, at 00:01

Den 13. april 2021 afholder Slots- og Herregårdsforum og Center for 1800-tals studier ved Aarhus Universitet et fælles seminar: ”Kultur, klasse og…

Call for papers: Graduate conference 'Struggle, Upheaval, Transformation'

27 Nov
Friday 27 November 2020, at 00:01

Conference Saturday 16th January 2021

Events Programme Autumn-Winter 2020-21

5 Nov
73 days, Thursday 5 November 2020, at 13:00 - 16 January

London Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminar - Graduate Strand

Gender and finance in Victorian culture

19 Mar
Thursday 19 March 2020, at 13:00

A seminar on literature, historiography and investmet

Ballads in Danish/Nordic literature and art

2 Nov
Friday 2 November 2018, at 11:00

Research seminar arranged by the research project Medievalism in Danish Romantic Literature and the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies, Aarhus…

CNCS International Inaugural Conference

8 Jun
2 days, Friday 8 June 2018, at 10:30 - 9 June

Hosted by CNCS, Durham University, in collaboration with: Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies (Aarhus), CH 19 – Centre D’Histoire du XIX Siècle…

Scale of Nature: Long Nineteenth-Century Culture and the Great Chain of Being

18 Mar
Saturday 18 March 2017, at 09:00


Frie ord i Norden? Historiske, litterære, billedlige, politiske og teatralske møder i tyske og nor(di)ske offentlige rum

1 Dec
3 days, Thursday 1 December 2016, at 09:00 - 3 December
