Aarhus University Seal

Valdemar Nielsen Pold



Primary affiliation

Valdemar Nielsen Pold

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My research focuses on the relationship between literature and science.

With a focus on Scandinavian literature from the 18th century and onwards, I investigate: (1) Why and how scientists employ literary devices, and (2) why and how authors portray science and scientists in literature. Some of the key authors include Ludvig Holberg, Hans Christian Ørsted, Carsten Hauch, and Henrik Pontoppidan.

I am interested in instances where literature or literary devices are part of discussions on what science and scientists are or should be. For example how scientists should behave, how they should dress, what type of knowledge they should strive for, what role they should have in history, how they should approach questions of religion, nation, and existence, and much more. My approach is based in history of ideas, history of literature and history of science.

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