I am Ph.D. in political science with a thesis on Lacanian psychoanalysis and political theory. Hereafter, I have been employed at the Department of Political Science in Aarhus. My research interests primarily focus on the relationship between politics and violence. And in various ways: questions on the political function of violence, forms of violences (e.g. terror), violence as an essential contested concept, legitimization of violence (in political ideologies and religion) and finally case studies of concrete empirical instances of political violence.
Currently, I work on three projets. A book on climate change together with Morten Greve. A book on politics and comedy with Bülent Diken and finally a book on the political thought of Slavoj Zizek.
At the Department of Political Science I am teaching the sociology of violence, politics and the climate crisis, religion and violence, history of political ideas and social theory. I am teaching journalism and media sociology at the Cand Public.