Aarhus University Seal

Niels Buus


Professor, Ph.D.

Primary affiliation

Niels Buus

Areas of expertise

  • Nursing
  • Health services research
  • Depression
  • Open Dialogue

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am a professor of nursing at the Department of Public Health, where I conduct health services research. My research is centred on public mental health, and I have a particular interest in people’s lived experiences with depression and the treatment of depression, and in Open Dialogue approaches. I am a specialist in qualitative research methods and methodologies, and I often work in the interfaces between health sciences, social sciences, and humanities. I am adjunct professor at Monash University in Australia. 

Job responsibilities

I teach in the first semester of the master of nursing education (Advanced Practice Nursing, and Nursing Science combined), and I coordinate the course ”Nursing and society”.

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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