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William Miki Thorsen, MA, will defend his dissertation "Negative polarity items in Danish and English:
Syntax, semantics, and acceptability"
At this workshop, two successful grantees of the Monograph Fellowship – Sara Dybris McQuaid and Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen – will share their…
Come say goodbye to your supervisors, professors, and your fellow students!
Wie arbeitet man ein einer Marketings- und Kommunikationsagentur mit gendergerechter Sprache? Annika Richards und Lara Niemann von Allison geben…
Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 13:15, Bastian Ljung Franch, MA, will defend his dissertation: Autopsies on the Body of Nature, The Anti-Pastoral in W. G.…
Katrine Rosendal Ehlers, MA, will defend her dissertation:
Number-sensitive reflexive pronouns in Danish: Optionality, microvariation, and cyclic…
This is a virtual information meeting for PhD applicants for the PhD programme in ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism
Understanding the acoustic implications of digital transmission on fricatives
Guest lecture by Professor George Walkden from University of Konstanz
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