Taking a look into the “black box”: Writing processes, strategies and routines of successful writers
25. oktober 2019 har vi i Center for International Erhvervskommunikation besøg af Sabine Dengscherz fra Universität Wien. Sabine er specialiseret i fremmedsprogsindlæring, faglig skrivning og oversættelse. Hun har arbejdet som journalist og sproglærer og underviser for tiden i oversættelse og skrivning ved Universität Wien. Hun er præsident for det østrigske selskab for skriveforskning og hun har skrevet doktorafhandling om strategier og rutiner i tekstproduktionsprocesser. Hun vil tale om sine indsigter i generelle skriveprocesser på basis af individuelle skrivebiografier og processer. I forbindelse med besøget vil vi gerne invitere jer alle til følgende foredrag med efterfølgende diskussion med Sabine.
Info about event
Aarhus University, Bldg. 1441, Room 012
Sabine Dengscherz
Taking a look into the “black box”: Writing processes, strategies and routines of successful writers
You are a successful writer. Maybe not always, but often enough to have gained access to a university education. That means you have several strategies and routines that help you to produce functional texts.
But: Are you (always) aware of what you are doing while writing? Which strategies and routines you apply – and why? And would you want to know what others do, how they act in their writing process – and how they deal with challenges in their text production processes?
I, indeed, wanted to know! Therefore, I have conducted explorative case studies with 17 students and researchers writing in multilingual contexts: target texts (e.g. journalistic or academic texts) in German, English, French and Hungarian. They allowed me to ,look over their shoulder‘ while writing (I will explain to you how they managed to do this) and thus provided insights into their writing processes.
When we deal with the texts of others, we see the products of processes – but most of the time the process itself remains a “black box”. In my talk, I invite you to swing open the lid of a “black box” a little and find out what is inside: various forms of writing processes, strategies and routines – each working for specific persons in specific situations. And I am going to invite you to reflect your own writing processes (the academic, the journalistic, and the literary ones) against the background of the writing behavior of other writers.
But this comes with a little warning: the “black box” might turn out to be a Pandora’s box – you might get greedy and want to know more and more …