Aarhus University Seal

The Danish Internet Dictionary

These are the employees who are currently working in the dictionary project:

Henning Bergenholtz, Heidi Agerbo, Eva Høje Bisgaard, Andreas Bodilsen, Sofie Weiss Dohrn, Jakob Esmann, Helene R. Gudmann, Aleksander Koed, Jane Nguyen, Mia Lybkær Kronborg Nielsen, Jon Poulsen, Christine Stahl and Henrik Thers. The database: Richard Almind and Martin Carlsen.

This project involves working in a database with many data types and a lot of data for each type:

  • Headwords (including polysems): 169,957
  • Inflections: 122,397
  • Grammatical remarks: 6,319
  • Lexical remarks: 1,329
  • Synonym remarks: 511
  • Text production remarks: 83
  • Antonyms: 14,793
  • Examples: 95,057
  • Grammatical cross references: 7,912
  • Lexical cross references: 12,841
  • Hyperlinks: 16,044
  • Idioms: 21,519
  • Collocations: 26,2481
  • Word formations: 88,745
  • Sayings and quotes: 2,430
  • Synonyms: 195,304

Data extracted from this database is used in the production of six different dictionaries:

The most comprehensive one of these is The Danish Internet Dictionary which has 115,800 headwords and a lot of data in the form of grammatical data, definitions, synonyms (words that share the same meaning), antonyms (words with opposite meanings), word formations (words that the word in question is part of), collocations (words often occurring together), idioms (fixed expressions with a specific meaning) and sayings and quotes, i.e. all the data from the database. This dictionary is a vast general language Danish dictionary that is meant to be used in situations where a user is in doubt or not sure about a matter related to writing or reading a Danish text or if a user wants to know more about Danish language.

The Danish Grammar and Spelling Dictionary focuses on Danish spelling conventions. The original idea behind this dictionary is that it provides different spelling variants of the same headword while also explaining which one of these spellings it recommends and why.

The Danish Meaning Dictionary provides definitions of words and expressions.

The Danish Writing Dictionary is a useful tool for users who need to write a text. It provides information on how more than 115,000 headwords are used in writing.

The Danish Synonym Dictionary is intended to help the user create variation in his or her use of language, thus its primary use is for text production. Not only synonyms (words that share the same meaning), but also antonyms (words with opposite meanings) are provided in this dictionary.

Tell Me the Word I am Looking for is an original dictionary that functions in the opposite way of a meaning dictionary. It helps the user find a specific word in situations where he or she knows the meanings of it but cannot remember the actual word.