Aarhus University Seal

Exploring Generative AI Images and Visual Citizenship

This seminar is hosted by the AI Media network at NTNU and presents AIIM, Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images at Aarhus University.

Info about event


Friday 24 May 2024,  at 13:00 - 14:30


Online via Teams

Exploring Generative AI Images and Visual Citizenship


  • Friday 24 May, 13:00-14:30
  • Online via Teams at this LINK.

In the seminar researchers from AIIM present insights from a project that included explorative workshops done in 2023 in collaboration with four different, non-academic domains that face the realities of GAI image practices (the art scene, welfare technology providers, providers of educational material, and the news media). The workshops provided valuable insights into how AI image practices inform visual citizenship and cause (re)distributions of power, agency, and senses of belonging.

This seminar is hosted by the AI Media network at NTNU and presents AIIM, Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images at Aarhus University.