Aarhus University Seal


Below you can see some of the publications that our AIIM-representatives have published. All the publications deal with AI, images and aesthetics.
The publications are arranged with the most recent publication first and then ranked by year of publication:

Herrie, M. B., Maleve, N. R., Philipsen, L., & Staunæs, A. B. (2024). “Democratization and generative AI image creation: Aesthetics, citizenship, and practices.” AI & Society.

Philipsen, Lotte. 2024. ”Deep Art History: Inferences between Google Arts & Culture and Art Museums”. Critical Digital Art History: Interface and Data Politics in the Post-Digital Era (Wasielewski & Näslund (eds.). Intellect, 2024).

Bryld Staunæs, A. & Bak Herrie, M. 2024. “One-liner:the-most-effective-way-to-read”.  In Peer-reviewed Newspaper. 13, 1, s. 2-14 12 s.

Sørensen, M-M. Z. 2024. “Deepfake Face-swap Animation ans Affect”. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body and Affect.Tamari, T. (red.). Bristol University Press.  

Bak Herrie, M,. Michelsen, L. & Phillipsen, L. 2023. “Er det sandt, hvad vi ser”. Weekendavisen.  

Bak Herrie, M,. 2023. “Rene former, former for renhed - dialog med en kunstig intelligens”. Kulturo. 23, 55.

Herman, L. M. & Arora, P. 2023. “Decolonizing Creativity in the Digital Era”. Proceedings of the International Association of Design Research Societies Conference, doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.307.

Herman, L. M. 2023. “For Who Page? TikTok creators’ algorithmic dependencies”. Proceedings of the International Association of Design Research Societies Conference, doi.org/10.21606/iasdr.2023.576.

Epstein, Z., Hertzmann, A., Akten, M., Farid, H., Fjeld, J., Frank, M.R., Groh, M., Herman, L. M., Leach, N. and Mahari, R., Pentland, A., Russakovsky, O., Schroeder, H., Smith, A. 2023. “Art and the science of generative AI. Science”. 380(6650), pp.1110-1111.

Epstein, Z., Hertzmann, A., Akten, M., Farid, H., Fjeld, J., Frank, M.R., Groh, M., Herman, L. M., Leach, N. and Mahari, R., Pentland, A., Russakovsky, O., Schroeder, H., Smith, A. 2023. “Art and the science of generative AI: A deeper dive”. arXiv: 2306.04141.

Herman, L. M. 2023. “Globalized Creative Economies: Rethinking Local Craft, Provenance, and Platform Design”. Feminist Futures of Work, pp. 53-60. 

Bylinskii, Z., Herman, L., Hertzmann, A., Hutka, S., & Zhang, Y. (2023). “Towards Better User Studies in Computer Graphics and Vision”. Foundations and Trends®. Computer Graphics and Vision, 15(3), 201-252.

Herman, L. M. & Moruzzi, C. 2022. “Exploring Embodiment’s Role in Creativity with Live Artistic Performances”. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Embodiment in the Perception of Human & Human & Artificial Creativity (TREPHAC 2022) co-located with the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2022). 

Herman, L. M. 2022. “Algorithms’ Impact on Human Artistic Creativity: Doctoral Symposium”. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics, and X, p. 397. 

Herman, L. M. & Hwang, A. H. C. 2022. “In the Eye of the Beholder: a Viewer-Defined Conception of Online Visual Creativity”. New Media and Society.

Bak Herrie, M. 2022. “A Hereroglossia og Big Data Knowledges”. Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31, 63. S. 134.137.

Enni, S & Bak Herrie, M. “Turning Biases into Hypotheses through Method: A Logic of Scientific Discovery for Machine Learning”. Big Data & Society 8, 1, 13 s. 

Herman, L. M. 2021. “Remixing, Seeing, and Curating: Algorithms’ Influence on Human Creativity”. ACM Creativity & Cognition ’21, June, 2021, Virtual

Zhao, N., Bylinskii, Z., Kim, N. W., Pfister, H., Lau, R., Herman, L. M., & Echevarria, J. (2020). “ICONATE: An Automated Approach for Compound Icon Generation and Ideation”. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM. 

Michelsen, Lea Laura N. 2020. “Biometrics and Its Resistance.” PUBLIC: Art/Culture/Ideas 60: 126-141.

Sørensen, M-M. Z. 2020. “The Future of the 3D Portrait: Algoritms Made Tangible”. Face to Face: Thorvaldsen and Portraiture. Feifer, J. & Bøggild Johannsen, K. (red.). Strandberg Publishing, s. 232-232 2 s.

Sørensen, M-M. Z. 2019. “Critical thoroughness: the dynamics og the artist as user and producer og digital elements”. Digital dynamics in nordic contemporary art. Søndergård Toft, T. (red.). Bristol: Intellect, s. 275-286

Bjørnsten, T. & Sørensen, M-M. Z. 2019. “Uncertainties of facial emotion recognition technologies and the automation of emotional labour”. The Uncertatin Image. Ekman, U., Agostinho, D., Thylstrup, N. B. & Veel, K. (red.). Routledge. 

Michelsen, Lea Laura N. 2018. “Thinking Beyond Biometrics.” A Peer-Reviewed Journal About (APRJA) 7 (1): 36-49. ISSN: 2245-7755.

Sørensen, M-M. Z. 2016. “Quantified Faces: On Surveillance Technologies, Identification and Statistics in Three Contemporary Art Projects”. Digital Culture and Society. 2, 1, s. 169-176 7 s.