Aarhus University Seal

Meet the Interns: Katrine Dahl Sørensen

The Recreational Fear Lab is delighted to host two research interns in the fall of 2020. In this post, lab intern Katrine Dahl Sørensen tells us about herself and her interest in the lab.

My name is Katrine and I’m currently doing my MA in English and Scandinavian Languages and Literature. I will be writing my thesis on the violation of trust within horror literature and what kinds of risks characters have to take, risks that may be fatal.

I decided to become an intern at the Recreational Fear Lab because I’m interested in the horror genre and I want to get experience with field research. I hope to one day write a PhD on something horror-related, and this type of internship seemed the most ideal and relevant. Also, Dystopia Entertainment, where we will be collecting data, isn’t exactly the most boring place to be during cold and rainy autumn nights.

I think I have a love-hate relationship with horror. I’m very interested in it and I’d like to study it, but it’s difficult to study something you can’t see because your hands are up in front of your eyes all the time. I had a blast going through the haunt last year at Dystopia, but I also had to drop out before I got to the end. I enjoy horror movies even though I only see about half of them; the other half is seen through a pillow. So as I said, it’s a love-hate relationship.