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A new book by Iben Have addresses the upsurge in audio media with a new textbook that provides theoretical and analytical tools on digital audio media aimed mainly for a higher education audience.
We are excited about the collaboration and the new opportunities that arise with a national research center focused on our shared sonic cultural heritage.
Postdoc Mia Falch Yates har fra 15. marts 2024 overtaget posten som leder af Center for Sound Studies.
Læs pressemeddelelsen om det afsluttende projekt. Se bag om forskningen.
Arts-forsker Marie Koldkjær Højlund har modtaget Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens årlige hæderslegat på 750.000 kroner
Lektor Anette Vandsø har fra 1. januar 2023 overtaget posten.
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Afholdes af Center for Sound Studies
Cultural Transformations summer seminar. Please register by sending an email to vkeylin@cc.au.dk before August 22.
This seminar will take its starting point in the large-scale sound art project The Overheard that throughout 2017 have presented a series of artistic interventions spread over large parts of Jutland - in which the public was invited to rethink the…
Presented by the Center for Sound Studies + Audiovisual Literacy and New Audiovisual Short-Forms (DFF-4089-00149). Everyone is welcome.