Aarhus University Seal

Curating Data

Curating Data - developing a tookit for data literacy

While digitalisation, datafication and digital transformation are processes that characterise contemporary societies, citizens often don’t understand what data are, and how data processes might affect their daily lives. This is often due to the fact that data practices are predominantly associated with computer science, statistics, language processing and highly professionalised field of the so called Artificial Intelligence and as such they are abstract phenomena. In popular imaginaries data is often discussed in connection to much hyped surveillance which while important, often does little to make data less abstract and mysterious. This project seeks to develop a tool-kit for data literacy based on Curating Data Diagram to offer first hand and participatory experiences of data processing through curating. The diagram was originally developed by the principle investigator Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver in 2020 for Curating Data Course (in the program of Critical Data Studies) and is based on research into data and curatorial practices. It has been successfully used in teaching curating data to undergraduate students, and when developing a workshops Fermenting Data including for NordiCHI2022 conference (Tyżlik-Carver et al.). Building on these experiences, the diagram will form a basis for developing a tool-kit for popular data literacy.