Aarhus University Seal

Resources for Panel 2: Parametric/Deformative/Experimental

This page contains links to textual or audiovisual materials that will be referred to by the speakers in panel 2, or which have informed their presentations.

Ariel Avissar, “The Collaborative Potential of Algorithmic Procedures (and the Algorithmic Potential of Collaboration)”

Here is my presentation in progress, and here is a transcript

As part of my presentation I will be discussing these 3 videos (the second and third are responses to the first):

I might also briefly mention these other examples:

Lastly, here are links to various collaborative videographic projects based on pre-defined parameters:

Kevin Ferguson, "Tennis for Yes, Home for No: Medical Imaging as Videographic Criticism?"

Here's the work-in-progress I’ll show for my presentation 

Jenny Oyallon-Koloski, “Poetic parameters: Leading with form and the limits of parametric scholarship”

Matthew Thomas Payne, “Break it, ’til you make it”

Here's the short piece, '"Why is that Funny?": Videographic Experimentation as Equipment for Living', that Matt showed to close his presentation.