Aarhus University Seal

Web Archives

The following web archiving initiatives have participated in RESAW (the list is not exhaustive):

Netarkivet, Denmark (the Royal Library, and the State and University Library)

The legal foundation for Netarchive.dk is the Act on Legal Deposit of Published Material of 22 December 2004. In order to collect the Danish internet as complete as possible three different strategies are followed: 1) Bulk harvesting (snapshots) 4 times/year, 2) Selective harvesting of 80 – 100 sites, which are often updated and of special importance to the society (eg. news sites), 3) Event harvesting (eg. national and local elections). Access to the archive is restricted to research purposes.


Bibliothèque nationale de France – Archives de l’Internet (Bibliothèque nationale de France Web Archives)

Since 2006, the BnF shares with INA responsibility for the legal deposit of the French online publications and web material. The BnF web archiving program started in 2002 with the first snapshots of election websites, then continued from 2004 with a 5-year partnership with the Internet Archive, which included performing annual broadcrawls of the French domain and the acquisition of historical collections. Today, the BnF performs both domain and selective crawls internally.


Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, INA

Since February 2009, Ina has started the focused and selective archiving of audiovisual media related web sites. A core list of about 5000 web sites is regularly updated and enriched. They are being crawled on a daily basis. Access will shortly be available on site at the Ina consultation centre which is hosted within the research library of the François-Mitterrand site of the BnF.


Webarchief van Nederland (Web archive of The Netherlands), Koninklijke Bibliotheek

KB as national library is responsible for collecting, cataloguing and archiving publications issued in the Netherlands. More and more publications are exclusively published in digital form, such as for example websites. This digital cultural heritage is under thread of becoming inaccessible in the (near) future. Therefore, KB sees it as its task to collect, archive and provide permanent access to websites.?KB selection of Dutch websites is based on its collection policy (Dutch history, language and culture). The selection focusses on websites containing scientific and cultural content. Another area of interest is innovative websites. A subsequent step will be to extend the by cooperating with other Dutch knowledge institutions.


The UK Web Archive, the British Library

The UK Web Archive is a corpus of websites selected by leading UK institutions for their historical, social and cultural significance, for the benefit of researchers. The archive is free to view and has already collected over 5,000 selected websites since it was set up in mid-2005.?The UK Web Archive is provided by the British Library in partnership with the National Library of Wales, JISC and The Wellcome Library. It also contains records contributed by the National Archives and the National Library of Scotland.



Arquivo.pt – the Portuguese Web Archive is a research infrastructure
that enables search and access to files archived from the web since 1996. Its main objective is the preservation of information published on the
Web for research purposes.


Comprehensive lists of web archives