2023, June: The fifth RESAW Conference ‘Exploring the Archived Web During a Highly Transformative Age‘ was held in Marseille, organised by Aix-Marseille University.
2021, June: The fourth RESAW Conference ‘Mainstream vs marginal content in Web history and Web archives’ was held in Luxembourg, organised by the University of Luxembourg.
2019, June: The third RESAW Conference ‘The web that was: Archives, traces, reflections’ was held in Amsterdam, organised by the University of Amsterdam.
2017, August: The full proposal was not funded, but was put number two on the reserve list of proposals that might be invited to grant preparation. However, the project did not get funded. After this period the main activity of the RESAW community is to organise the biennial conferences, the RESAW Conferences.
2017, June: The second RESAW Conference ‘Web Archiving Week’ was held in London, organised by the University of London.
2017, March: Full proposal submitted to Horizon 2020 frame Programme, H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017.
2016, August: Invited to submit full proposal to Horizon 2020.
2016, March: Submission of stage 1-proposal to Horizon 2020.
2015, June: The conference ‘Web Archives as Scholarly Sources: Issues, Practices and Perspectives’ was held in Aarhus, organised by Aarhus University. Towards the end of this conference it was decided to establish a series of biennial conferences, the RESAW Conferences, the second conference to be held in London in 2017.
2014, December: A one-day seminar was organised in London (funded by the BUDDAH project and by the Danish Digital Humanities Lab) where the next steps of the RESAW network was debated.
2014, April: The public website resaw.eu is established.
2014: February: A plan of activities for 2014-16 was drafted, and pilot projects and other activities initiated.
2013, December: A two-day seminar was organised in Aarhus (funded by the Danish Digital Humanities Lab) where the next steps of the RESAW network was debated.
2013, May-June, September, November: Three web discussions for all network participants were organised.
2013, Spring: The RESAW network group continues to expand, and a web forum was established on resaw.eu.
2013, February: In the assessment report Consultation on possible topics for future activities for integrating and opening existing national research infrastructures (The European Commission, February 2013) a European research infrastructure for the study of archived web materials was recommended among the topics with high potential and with merit for future Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure actions.
2012, October: A proposal to the EU Commision’s consultation was prepered and handed in.
2012, September: The RESAW network group was formed with a view to handing in a proposal to the EU Commision’s consultation on ’Possible topics for future activities for integrating and opening national research infrastructures’; app. 50 participants (web archives, scholars, and other stakeholders).