Aarhus University Seal

Hauke Ohls visiting researcher

Hauke Ohls will be visiting researcher at CRAPCC 11-15 March. Hauke Ohls, PhD, is Research Assistant at the Chair of Contemporary Art and Digital Image Cultures, Institute of Art History at the University Bonn since 2023. Between 2018 and 2023, he worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Art and Art Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He is co-founder of the network “Trans-Ecologies: Art and Climate Change in the ‘Anthropocene’”.  

His research focuses on theoretical, sociological, and philosophical questions of modern and contemporary art, especially ecological aesthetics, discourses on object, materiality and image as well as the relationship between art, economy, and neo-liberalism. His dissertation was awarded the "Dies Academicus Award 2022" of the University of Duisburg- Essen. He is currently working on his postdoctoral project "Eco-relational Art. Posthuman Aesthetic and Agency in Contemporary Art", which explores the possibilities of contemporary art connecting ecological theories with posthumanism and agency.

Recent publications include essays on ecology, (neo-)extractivism, capitalocene, and assemblage theories in relation to art. A co-edited volume on occidentalism and a monograph on the artist Mary Bauermeister was published in 2022, another monograph on objects in art theory was published in 2019.