Aarhus University Seal


The Centre for Research in Artistic Practice under Contemporary Conditions explores the relationship between artistic practice and meaning-making and the socio-political reality in which art takes place and by which it is nourished. It is guided by the assumption that this relationship has undergone substantial changes during the transition from modern art to contemporary art, and that the study of art needs to revise traditional notions of its historicity and the categories of work and artistic autonomy, among others, in order to catch up with the phenomenon of contemporary art. The purpose of the centre is to explore how contemporary artistic practices create meaning in relation to the non-artistic societal reality in which they operate. A main focus is on exploring and describing how the very diverse practices and works we designate as “contemporary art” function as art, and on what qualifies them as artistic.

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Former Members

  • Trine Friis Sørensen
  • Anne Kølbæk Iversen
  • Pernille Lystlund Matzen
  • Anders Thrue Djurslev
  • Jacob Fabricius