Aarhus University Seal

Business cases in the classroom - get closer to the students

As a company or organization, you can become a partner on a course. As a partner, you will provide one or more cases that will frame the design projects of the students. Typically, you will introduce your case at the beginning of the semester, act as sparring partners during the middle of the semester, and serve as jury members during the students' presentations and exhibitions at the end of the semester.

Therefore, it is important that two to three individuals in your company or organization can dedicate time to the collaboration. In the semester prior to the course, the Department's Education Committee, in collaboration with the instructor, will decide whether there should be an external partner and determine who it should be.


How does it work?

Case Introduction

To kickstart the students' work, you will participate in the early stages of the semester by attending the classes, where together with the instructor, you will introduce the context and challenges of your case.

Sparring Partner

In the middle of the semester, you will once again participate in the university classes to provide your feedback and critique on the students' projects.

Presentation and Exhibition

At the end of the semester, the students will pitch their design projects, followed by an exhibition (known as EXPO). During the exhibition, the students will showcase their projects at individual stands. The exhibition can take place at your location, at the university, or both.


If you are interested in becoming a partner for a course with a business case from yout company, please send an email to the department: afdelingsleder.ddinf@cc.au.dk

Previous collaborations

You can learn more about previous collaborations or cases on our LinkedIn page or through our news updates.