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CLAI talks: Bolette Sanford Pedersen, "Towards a Danish Semantic Reasoning Benchmark - Compiled from Lexical-Semantic Resources for Assessing Selected Language Understanding Capabilities of Large Language Models", September 12

On September 12, Bolette Sanford Pedersen will give a CLAI talk entitled: "Towards a Danish Semantic Reasoning Benchmark - Compiled from Lexical-Semantic Resources for Assessing Selected Language Understanding Capabilities of Large Language Models"

Info about event


Thursday 12 September 2024,  at 14:00 - 14:30




Center for Language Generation and AI

Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Copenhagen University, Institute for Nordic Studies and Language will present a CLAI talk on September 12.

I will present the semantic reasoning benchmark for Danish that we are compiling semi-automatically from a number of human-curated lexical-semantic resources, which function as our gold standard or ‘ground truth’. Taken together, our datasets constitute a benchmark for assessing selected language understanding capacities of large language models (LLMs) for Danish. More specifically, we focus on features such as semantic inference and entailment, similarity, relatedness, sentiment, and the ability to disambiguate words in context and interpret figurative language. The work is a collaboration between the Centre for Language Technology at UCPH and the Danish Society for Language and Literature.

The project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.


The Center for Language Generation and AI at Aarhus University is committed to fostering the interchange of ideas and support for researchers in the area of language generation and AI. By opening our biweekly talks to the public, we aim to create a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration among researchers, students, and the broader community.

These talks will be conducted virtually, allowing attendees from around the world to participate. Registration details and links to join each talk will be provided on our website. All talk will take place at 13:30 (CEST) on Zoom. The link ishttps://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62020950492.

For more information and updates on our biweekly talks, please check our news page or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

For media inquiries and questions, please contact: pascale.moreira@cc.au.dk